The following are examples of my concrete poetry, graphic illustration, paintings and general art. Over time I’ll be adding to this section, particularly in the field of concrete poetry. Eight pieces were featured in my two man exhibit with John Sharp in England, June 2017.
Each day is a challenge creatively to begin a new piece of art, be it a painting, digital or in this case my latest 2018 concrete poem, and time gets shorter as each day passes.
The war in Syria, the famine in Africa. Children with no future. A shout out at a world of indifference. Not a lot has changed in the 60 years I have inhabited this planet.
Political expediency when dealing with the problems of real issues.
The cycle of political driven change, a period of understanding, a period of decline in political caring. The cycle continues!
Under pressure…
A reflection of our uncertain political future.
Timely, when we see the poles of extremist versus sensible change eroded time after time. History keeps repeating.
Haven’t done a concrete poetry piece in a long time. Yet another reflection on watching, listening and acting on behalf of my 90 year old Mother.
Time moves on and dreams interrupt the flow!
We often see our shadow in front as we walk.
Needs no description eloquent and succinct, a man of great compassion and understanding of basic human needs and rights.
Bursting forward!
Which sometimes happily and others sadly we do.
Time fast runs away with us.
Born from the frustration of not always being understood. We all have this frustration and are equally guilty.
Central to our political climate, social interactivity and intolerance towards others.
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